Next steps

Growth Track

Growth Track guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you.

The Growth Track is made up of three steps that equip you to:
1) Why is membership important?
2) Our mission, vision & values
3) Next steps

This is the membership path at ONE ECW Church.


When you choose to get baptized, you are publicly celebrating the new life that Jesus created in you when you decided to follow Him.
Baptism represents the supernatural change Jesus has made in your life. It’s a public acknowledgment that you know you need a Savior, believe that Jesus died and walked out of the grave to give you eternal life, and have decided to have faith in Him.


By serving at ONE ECW, you can make the church feel like your church, demonstrate your faith through your actions, and invest in those you serve.

We know God will use you help people become ONE with God, so that they can go and do the same.

To volunteer, we ask for everyone to attend ONE ECW Church for at least 3 months and attend ONE ECW’s growth track within 6 months. It’s better if you attend the class before you fill out an application so you know what you’re getting into, but we can help you take the next step if you have not attended yet.